Von Nachhall zu Wohlfühlatmosphäre: Erfahren Sie, wie Schallabsorber die Raumakustik in einer Gästekantine um mehr als 20% verbessert haben

From reverberation to a feel-good atmosphere: Find out how sound absorbers have improved the room acoustics in a guest canteen by more than 20%

Whether in meeting rooms, offices or canteens - optimal room acoustics are crucial for a productive working environment. In our latest practical example, we show how the targeted use of sound absorbers in a guest canteen improved the acoustics and optimized sound insulation.

The importance of room acoustics in office buildings and canteens

In meeting rooms and offices, as well as during lunch breaks in the canteen, we are constantly confronted with room acoustics. However, in order to reduce disturbing noise and unwanted reverberation, the correct reverberation time is of great importance. Find out how you can actually improve the acoustics in offices and canteens by retrofitting sound absorbers. This guest canteen serves as a perfect example!


The challenge of reverberation time in the guest canteen

Everyone knows the problem of reverberating rooms. But what reverberation times are ideal? Experts recommend a reverberation time of 0.5 to 0.8 seconds in offices and 0.5 to 1 second in canteens. Unfortunately, this guest canteen, with an original average reverberation time of 1.2 seconds, was well above these specifications. To address the problem, our customers decided to retrofit four MUTE+® cover S60 wall absorbers to improve the room acoustics.


The solution: retrofitting MUTE+® cover S60 wall absorbers

In order to specifically optimise the room acoustics, we equipped the guest canteen with four MUTE+® cover S60 wall absorbers. With dimensions of 1,800 x 840 mm each, they offer effective sound absorption. To ensure that the absorbers fit seamlessly into the overall concept, we chose a subtle colour and simply mounted them on the wall with a gap of 8 mm.


Measurable successes and audible improvements

The results were impressive: After installing the MUTE+® cover S60 wall absorbers, a new average reverberation time of 0.93 seconds was measured - a significant improvement of 0.27 seconds. The difference was audible and the room acoustics were noticeably more pleasant.


Sound absorbers for different applications

Would you also like to optimise the room acoustics in your rooms? Our MUTE+® sound absorbers are not only ideal for offices or meeting rooms, but are also used in schools, kindergartens or doctor's offices. They ensure pleasant peace and quiet, good speech intelligibility and impress with a large selection of materials and colours.

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