Wissen, das bewegt: Unser Vertriebsworkshop

Knowledge that moves: Our sales workshop

1 day - 8 groups - 100 motivated colleagues

That was our sales workshop!

Each group will have 2 hours of exchange, knowledge and new impulses for
our sales department.

Station 1: LMD metal ceilings & metal fire protection ceilings

First, the focus was on the latest innovations and application possibilities of our LMD metal ceilings and metal fire protection ceilings, supported by practical sales tools.

Station 2: MUTE+® Sound Absorbers & Sales Tools

What followed was sonorous and creative: the highlights of the current MUTE+® range, exciting marketing ideas, new manufacturing options and the latest design line MUTE+ wings. Plus exclusive insights into our new homepage and newly designed documents that make consultation easier.
The participants were enthusiastic about the diverse applications and the
clear vision that MUTE+® brings to the world of room acoustics.

Station 3: Exchange and feedback: Getting better together.

The workshop was not only an opportunity to impart knowledge, but also a place for exchange.

The result?

Inspired colleagues who are ready for new challenges with fresh energy and new tools – and you can look forward to it!

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